Voter Tools

The most important thing you can do between now and 26th November is


Then make sure everyone you know has registered, using some of the tools below to help you.

If you’re worried that your vote might not count, there are also some Tactical Voting Tools that you may want to check out. Just make sure you register to vote first!

Everyone Vote

By Tech For UK

Things to print and post on lamposts, notice boards, by the lifts, halfway up the stairs…

Register To Vote


Use this service to register to vote or change your details. It usually takes about 5 minutes.

Vote Early

By Tech For UK

Christmas Party? Stuck in work? Caught in the December rush?

Voting Counts

By Voting Counts

Simple, unbiased political resource that helps you make informed decisions when voting.

Where Do I Vote?

By Democracy Club

Find your polling station.

Who Can I Vote For?

By Democracy Club

Find out about candidates in your area.